Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The charm of Night.

Nights normally are dark. Dark is pure. It is not adulterated.
With light flashing in the darkness weans away. Light is only a reflection on the dark surface. Darkness is the static base while light is a flow. The inference leads to the fact that darkness is the father of light. If illumination adds beauty the darkness stays with charm and warmth.
Darkness and light are biological creations and they have to co-exist for the rhythm of life to happen and progress. Stars probably are self-emulated while moons absorb light- reflections. However, these Stars, Moon or Milky Way are bright only in darkness. Without darkness they fail to blink and the sky never becomes bright. There is silence and tranquility in darkness.
The night is soothing and acts as a balm to the body. The silence in darkness makes you soliloquy in conversation – an act of talking to oneself opening the gate for self realization. The thoughts in darkness relieves you out of a restless mind, a sad heart or a troubled soul – yes, it is a peace-maker to the mind. Night is a great companion and listener. If light reveals day, light, colour and gaze but darkness takes you to solitude and deep thoughts and solutions eluded you so far. You may even experience an elevation of mind to hitherto unconquered areas of thought process. They are not actually dreams but certain conscious efforts of the unconscious mind –a real power of ignition and splash. You may be, it is possible, dragged to a world of imagery or even real thoughts. Artists and poets love this state of affair and they procure all their inspirations from darkness and not light. They achieve communion in musings. Scientists explore the astronomical truths in darkness. Their theories are based on light and shade which are manipulations of darkness.
There is innocence in darkness. Darkness is the daughter of nights and is flooded with mysteries which create inquisitiveness and an urge to know what were unraveled - a daughter’s curiosity to explore into the hidden facts. The thought penetrates into the depth in search of the pebbles that shine in darkness. It is an excavation into the source of realization which steps out from darkness. When light is shallow darkness is steadfast.
Light conceals more than what it reveals. Because it corroborates with your visual thoughts which has its limitations and horizon as closed entity. But darkness is beyond that even and enthralls you with imagination, as if springs emanating from closed circuits into a fiesta of garden of flowers and greenery. Your thoughts move in with specific perception as there is nothing to distract you from visibility. You are sensual through the echo and there professes a prowess of wholesomeness. Light reveals every thing what is good or bad but darkness makes up only what is good after a proper distinction and darkness is a good friend which takes you to a good friend because you are more guided and controlled by sensitivity than by the sight and excitement. In darkness you see through the inner eye and use wisdom to choose between the pain of daze of the light and soothing clarity in the calmness of darkness.
Death is an escape into the darkness while birth is the entry into the world of light and confusions. All of us travel with a torch in hand –the life, in search of darkness-the death.


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